
Is there such thing as a good job? Lol

I’m a store manager at a small business, two shop convenience store for context. I have an employee who came to me and reported that our ops manager was gossiping and talking smack about me behind my back. I always take these things with a grain of salt, but it’s to note that I do trust this employee. I pulled the ops manager into a small and quick meeting with our owner, and addressed the issue. I made no accusations, I just reported what was told to me, and genuinely asked that if there was something I was missing, or not meeting expectations that it be brought to me directly, and not talked about with the team I manage. Didn’t raise my voice, just stated it matter of factly. This has marked me as an overly sensitive person, in the ops manager’s eyes because I involved our owner and responded…

I’m a store manager at a small business, two shop convenience store for context.

I have an employee who came to me and reported that our ops manager was gossiping and talking smack about me behind my back.

I always take these things with a grain of salt, but it’s to note that I do trust this employee.

I pulled the ops manager into a small and quick meeting with our owner, and addressed the issue. I made no accusations, I just reported what was told to me, and genuinely asked that if there was something I was missing, or not meeting expectations that it be brought to me directly, and not talked about with the team I manage. Didn’t raise my voice, just stated it matter of factly.

This has marked me as an overly sensitive person, in the ops manager’s eyes because I involved our owner and responded to the complaint from staff in a meeting, rather than talking to him alone.

He told me to grow thicker skin, and walked away without any further repercussions.

My owner stayed and made sure I knew he heard the complaint and wanted to make sure I was okay; but also said that he felt I shouldn’t have addressed it because “he is just venting” and he should be able to.

Though I agree he should vent if needed, it shouldn’t be to the team that I directly manage. It should be to someone more appropriate.

Not sure what to do. Just feeling burnt out now.

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