
is this legal? travelling hours

Hours worked- travelling Hi all, i don’t really no where else to post this. From november 2020 to august 2022 i was working for a landscape gardener in my local town, I needed the job so put up with more than i should have, i was paid £7 an hour or so. For all of those 2 years i was only ever paid for the time i was physically doing work, not travelling inbetween gardens to mow or building a fence etc. My boss was a complete narcissist and it made me feel like i couldn’t physically leave the job leading me to revert back down the black hole that is depression and i tried to OD. My boss didn’t believe me but after my parents found out i insisted i wanted to leave the job but they didn’t know the truth about how bad my boss really was. I…

Hours worked- travelling

Hi all, i don’t really no where else to post this. From november 2020 to august 2022 i was working for a landscape gardener in my local town, I needed the job so put up with more than i should have, i was paid £7 an hour or so. For all of those 2 years i was only ever paid for the time i was physically doing work, not travelling inbetween gardens to mow or building a fence etc. My boss was a complete narcissist and it made me feel like i couldn’t physically leave the job leading me to revert back down the black hole that is depression and i tried to OD. My boss didn’t believe me but after my parents found out i insisted i wanted to leave the job but they didn’t know the truth about how bad my boss really was. I ended up saying i’d give 4 weeks notice when i had no contract and it was cash in hand (is this illegal as i never paid any tax) but i did leave and got a new job a month or so after with a professional company doing something completely different. I’m physically scared whenever i see his work car as i can’t stand him and it makes me sick knowing all the things he said to me over the 2 years and how he didn’t believe me. Ultimately i just want to know is it illegal for him to have not paid me for travelling to jobs with him in his car as it was still my time being spent? I really appreciate the help!

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