
It seems that anyone I ask, they all get frustrated with me for asking questions and making mistakes.

I was hired to be a pharmacy tech in training at a local Walmart last month, but began this August 16. I think the only reason I was hired was that they only had one pharmacy tech who could speak Spanish, and I was someone else that could as well. From the first day until now, I have been screwing up a lot. For the most part, I know how to check out people for their medications. What I don’t know is how to properly look up people who have insurance problems and what their medication is and what it does. I haven’t gotten that far in the training, and frankly, I’m not sure if I’m going to make it that far at all. They pharmacists have all gotten frustrated with me, so far as to raise their voices at me. The same goes for coworkers. I could only control…

I was hired to be a pharmacy tech in training at a local Walmart last month, but began this August 16. I think the only reason I was hired was that they only had one pharmacy tech who could speak Spanish, and I was someone else that could as well. From the first day until now, I have been screwing up a lot. For the most part, I know how to check out people for their medications. What I don’t know is how to properly look up people who have insurance problems and what their medication is and what it does. I haven’t gotten that far in the training, and frankly, I’m not sure if I’m going to make it that far at all.

They pharmacists have all gotten frustrated with me, so far as to raise their voices at me. The same goes for coworkers. I could only control my emotions and apologize. I’m not trying to intentionally make mistakes on the job. Apparently they were never the new people who were learning to get hold of the logistics of their job descriptions.

Long story short, I had applied for a mail processing clerk at the USPS in May. I got a job offer months later about 3 days ago. Today is my last day to accept the offer, and I think I’m going to accept it and push through the challenges there. Part of me would feel bad for quitting on the pharmacy, but I don’t think I’ve ever been part of a toxic environment like this. And yes they’re understaffed at the Walmart pharmacy because apparently 2 pharmacy techs quit on them earlier this year. I wonder why.

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