
It should become commonplace to lie on your resume and become a minimally productive employee.

After my military career, I graduated school and began my second life. I leveraged my experience and education as a manager type for small businesses before transferring to leadership positions in the financial field. In 2019-2022 I made about 750k in the mortgage industry and it broke my conscience. I was the guy between ownership and the workforce and saw first hand how shady business owners can be- everything from denying maternity leave, misusing PPP funds, and shorting earned bonuses to deserving employees all in the intent to increase their own wealth. I lament that I was a tool ownership used to exploit the workforce, and I sincerely apologize for each and every instance I was a ‘company guy.’ I now believe it is quite literally 'us versus them,' and business owners both large and small will exploit you at every opportunity. They knowingly chip away at your self worth…

After my military career, I graduated school and began my second life. I leveraged my experience and education as a manager type for small businesses before transferring to leadership positions in the financial field. In 2019-2022 I made about 750k in the mortgage industry and it broke my conscience. I was the guy between ownership and the workforce and saw first hand how shady business owners can be- everything from denying maternity leave, misusing PPP funds, and shorting earned bonuses to deserving employees all in the intent to increase their own wealth. I lament that I was a tool ownership used to exploit the workforce, and I sincerely apologize for each and every instance I was a ‘company guy.’

I now believe it is quite literally 'us versus them,' and business owners both large and small will exploit you at every opportunity. They knowingly chip away at your self worth and sanity trying to break you down for their own gain. Your work/life balance, mental well being, and physical health are only of interest to them if they can use it against you.

Regardless of your perceived value to the company, the owner will never 'take you with them' or elevate your QoL- you are no more valuable than the office furniture, and can be replaced just as easily. You are a tool to increase their wealth and any benefits you get from that are strictly coincidental or a professional attempt at manipulation. You owe them nothing.

They will NEVER reciprocate the integrity you show on your resume- there is no need to be truthful anymore.

They will never give you two weeks notice before firing or downsizing your position- there is no further reason for us to provide them that courtesy.

They will never provide training if they can avoid it and they will expect your colleagues to ‘get the new guy up to speed’ rather than provide a quality professional training suite- training just makes you more hireable for the next guy to steal you, and their training costs, away.

They will never pay you for your off time, you should never work a second more than you are paid for. If you’re hourly, arrive only early enough to be within the written standard, and leave the moment your shift expires.Care not for tempo, coverage, convenience as they will never give considerations to your priorities outside their needs.

Never exceed the standard without being compensated- doing the bare minimum to meet your job description is what you are paid to do.

I do not care how skilled you are, how niche your speciality may be, or what grand career accomplishments you tout- you are replaceable and will be replaced for a cheaper candidate at the very first opportunity.

You owe them nothing- they are a tool we use to live our lives; no one lives to work, we work to live.

Take care of yourself and be well, if possible.

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