
It took me way too long to realize that “quiet quitting” is just corporate speak for “doing your fucking job”.

It took me way too long to realize that “quiet quitting” is just corporate speak for “doing your fucking job”. It's pretty disgusting that rich people are getting absolutely PISSED off that there is a trend of people “quiet quitting” and doing their jobs and nothing more. The fact that corporate America has demonized doing your job, leaving on time, taking breaks, and having a work life balance by calling it quitting is gross. Like really fucking gross. People are supposed to be worked to death for their paychecks and shitty leaders will take nothing less. The new generations aren't taking the bullshit of corporate America and its fabulous.

It took me way too long to realize that “quiet quitting” is just corporate speak for “doing your fucking job”. It's pretty disgusting that rich people are getting absolutely PISSED off that there is a trend of people “quiet quitting” and doing their jobs and nothing more.

The fact that corporate America has demonized doing your job, leaving on time, taking breaks, and having a work life balance by calling it quitting is gross. Like really fucking gross. People are supposed to be worked to death for their paychecks and shitty leaders will take nothing less.

The new generations aren't taking the bullshit of corporate America and its fabulous.

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