
It would take 2 weeks(maybe even less)

Two weeks of no working collapses everything. Can’t afford groceries? The supermarket employee is doing the strike with you take the five finger discount they won’t care. The manager might but they’ll end up just as overworked as you are and they can hardly stop us all. You’d save money on gas if you don’t go anywhere. Plus the gas station cashier is doing the strike with you, free gas. The only thing I can’t think of a solution towards is rent. Sure you could either just not pay until you get evicted and then just ignore it until the police get involved but that’s risky to say the least. Some of us could live in cars but those of us with SO’s or children certainly couldn’t. Or you could pool resources together with friends/family to pay each others rent using what little money we all have left but that…

Two weeks of no working collapses everything. Can’t afford groceries? The supermarket employee is doing the strike with you take the five finger discount they won’t care. The manager might but they’ll end up just as overworked as you are and they can hardly stop us all. You’d save money on gas if you don’t go anywhere. Plus the gas station cashier is doing the strike with you, free gas. The only thing I can’t think of a solution towards is rent. Sure you could either just not pay until you get evicted and then just ignore it until the police get involved but that’s risky to say the least. Some of us could live in cars but those of us with SO’s or children certainly couldn’t. Or you could pool resources together with friends/family to pay each others rent using what little money we all have left but that would quickly fall apart. I suppose squatting is an option but again just as risky as ignoring eviction notices. I’d like to avoid riots and violence the best I can but I’m not opposed to it at this point as long as we can get enough of America on board with it to make it work. Any ideas to actually make something like this work I’d appreciate suggestions and brainstorming.

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