
It’s almost comical how shit we’re treated

I was a casual at an industrial/agricultural warehouse this past month, and not even four weeks in, I got a call the other day without warning, to tell me that they’re now ‘overstaffed’ and ‘no longer in need of my services’. (Wouldn’t be ‘overstaffed’ if you didn’t hire new people every fucking day now would we…but oh noooo, we’re just all so disposable.) I read the casual contract and so I knew this shit could happen, they can just terminate me whenever without giving cause. It’s basically a right to not give a person any basic respect at all is what it sounds like to me. Fuck man, no rdos, no paid leave, annual leave at all, nothing. And then ‘fuck you, bye bye now!’. Wow. Thanks.

I was a casual at an industrial/agricultural warehouse this past month, and not even four weeks in, I got a call the other day without warning, to tell me that they’re now ‘overstaffed’ and ‘no longer in need of my services’. (Wouldn’t be ‘overstaffed’ if you didn’t hire new people every fucking day now would we…but oh noooo, we’re just all so disposable.)

I read the casual contract and so I knew this shit could happen, they can just terminate me whenever without giving cause. It’s basically a right to not give a person any basic respect at all is what it sounds like to me.

Fuck man, no rdos, no paid leave, annual leave at all, nothing. And then ‘fuck you, bye bye now!’. Wow. Thanks.

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