
It’s always the fault of the workers for not working hard enough, and is never the fault of the parasite class who is directly responsible for starving you out.

The federal government works in conjunction with their handlers from the parasite class to siphon wealth from the working class, the poor, and the sick. They use disinformation and propaganda to make you feel guilt and shame about your station in life. They are directly responsible for creating, maintaining and worsening your station. The federal government and the actual ruling class have never cared about workers, the poor, or the sick so why would they start now? When was the last time you remember the government or corporations making life better for workers, the sick, or the poor? When people tell you the government hates you and wants to kill you, this is what they mean. They want you dead, they don't want more of you, and they want all your stuff. When they use inflation or Wall Street to siphon your wealth, that money doesn't just disappear. It goes…

The federal government works in conjunction with their handlers from the parasite class to siphon wealth from the working class, the poor, and the sick. They use disinformation and propaganda to make you feel guilt and shame about your station in life. They are directly responsible for creating, maintaining and worsening your station.

The federal government and the actual ruling class have never cared about workers, the poor, or the sick so why would they start now? When was the last time you remember the government or corporations making life better for workers, the sick, or the poor?

When people tell you the government hates you and wants to kill you, this is what they mean. They want you dead, they don't want more of you, and they want all your stuff.

When they use inflation or Wall Street to siphon your wealth, that money doesn't just disappear. It goes somewhere. It goes directly to them and their greedy friends. People stop having kids and this is called genocide. The American and Canadian governments have done this before and faced no repercussions. What's stopping them from doing this now? Nothing. Why wouldn't they keep doing it?

Stagnant wages and lack of worker protections may as well be some guy dumping barrels of cyanide in a well. The end result is the same and, to me, there is no difference. One is just quicker than the other.

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