
It’s not all bad

I work two jobs, seven days a week, usually for a total of 60+ hours. My main job is a corporate grind with all the trimmings: boss got fired now I do his job for a fraction of what he made, was told raises make me more expendable, got written up over nonsense but really as pretext in case they let me go they can argue against unemployment, etc etc. If you're on this sub you already know. Because I don't make enough to provide for myself from my full time job, I have a side job is in a kitchen that serves the houseless community. We distribute donated food, and prepare meals as well. Today was our busy day, and as things were winding down my boss was hungry. Earlier in the day we cleaned out a freezer and found a few NY strip steaks, not nearly enough to…

I work two jobs, seven days a week, usually for a total of 60+ hours.

My main job is a corporate grind with all the trimmings: boss got fired now I do his job for a fraction of what he made, was told raises make me more expendable, got written up over nonsense but really as pretext in case they let me go they can argue against unemployment, etc etc. If you're on this sub you already know.

Because I don't make enough to provide for myself from my full time job, I have a side job is in a kitchen that serves the houseless community. We distribute donated food, and prepare meals as well. Today was our busy day, and as things were winding down my boss was hungry. Earlier in the day we cleaned out a freezer and found a few NY strip steaks, not nearly enough to make a meal for the people (average dinner count is 25+) but not something to waste either. So he made salmon and steak, enough for himself but also extra for myself and few volunteers who were still cleaning up after we finished doing the food bank. He had no reason to do this besides kindness. But I know from working with him that he legit cares about people, and went the extra mile simply to say thank you to us for being there.

This is a sub full of sad tragic stories of people being victimized by the terrors of late stage capitalism, a sickeningly wealth-obsessed culture and classist oppression that would make even Marie Antoinette take pause.

But I wanted to share a little positivity because even though times are about as bad as they've been in living memory, there's still an awesome boss out there somewhere ready to serve you up some surf and turf just because they can.

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