
It’s simple

Most of us work our asses off to get by and we deserve to enjoy the fruit of our labor. How is it that some freeloaders get all the toys and luxuries and vacation et certa while we're just scraping by? We need to get rid of the freeloaders. The vampires. When you're wondering where all the money went…yup that's where. Them. Bonuses, privileged positions, salaries, connections…'hey back to work prick you're on the clock' type of guys. We don't need em. Time for us to say bye bye! Ciao! Beunos Dias! They're what's girdling society and squeezing every last drop for themselves. Not you, not me, not your stepmother, or you cousins boyfriends dog, for themselves only! That's what privatization is: “it's mine and you can't have it, I'm gonna hoard it with all the protections of the law and there's not a goddam thing you can do about…

Most of us work our asses off to get by and we deserve to enjoy the fruit of our labor. How is it that some freeloaders get all the toys and luxuries and vacation et certa while we're just scraping by? We need to get rid of the freeloaders. The vampires. When you're wondering where all the money went…yup that's where. Them. Bonuses, privileged positions, salaries, connections…'hey back to work prick you're on the clock' type of guys. We don't need em. Time for us to say bye bye! Ciao! Beunos Dias! They're what's girdling society and squeezing every last drop for themselves. Not you, not me, not your stepmother, or you cousins boyfriends dog, for themselves only! That's what privatization is: “it's mine and you can't have it, I'm gonna hoard it with all the protections of the law and there's not a goddam thing you can do about it.” It's a crime. It is legalized theft. The battle isn't just you vs your boss (employer-employee) it is labor vs capital. The battle is against exploitation itself, not the exploiter. If the economic reality was different we would not be victimsand part and parcel to this exploitation. (As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures!) But there's getting by and there's abject exploitation. We must strive to make it known that there's an alternative way for us to live well.

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