
It’s time to dissent

Maybe I'm wrong but this country favors the rich and shits on the rest of us. Capitalism used to be great…back in the 50s and 60s (for white people) but to say the economy is great? Yeah, maybe for the rich who exploit our labor. We are nothing but working bees and this colony is getting ready to collapse from sheer demand. Remember folks, there's no capital without labor. It's time to stop batching. It's time to strike. Spread the news.

Maybe I'm wrong but this country favors the rich and shits on the rest of us. Capitalism used to be great…back in the 50s and 60s (for white people) but to say the economy is great? Yeah, maybe for the rich who exploit our labor. We are nothing but working bees and this colony is getting ready to collapse from sheer demand. Remember folks, there's no capital without labor. It's time to stop batching. It's time to strike. Spread the news.

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