
It’s time we start calling out recruiters and interviewers. Cough up the salary data first, otherwise drop it. Tell them so. Get in their face about it. You are selling *your time*, something so infinitely precious no amount of money can buy a single second.

“STOP WASTING MY TIME.” If they dodge it, fuck em. Call em out. It's bullshit. I live in Colorado where they are required BY LAW to disclose it and they still dodge the question like I'm asking if they like it in the ass! So call them out, get in their face, you are here to fucking make money and any other information isn't relevant until you know what they are paying. Next, get on their shit about benefits! They purposefully keep that info locked up tight specifically so they don't HAVE to offer competitive benefits because they all collude to obscure it! Pry it from their cold dead hands! They want to dodge questions and lie? Aight, send the company a bill for the time their recruiters and interviewers wasted. The only way to get these assholes to change is to MAKE them change. You never get a single…


If they dodge it, fuck em. Call em out. It's bullshit. I live in Colorado where they are required BY LAW to disclose it and they still dodge the question like I'm asking if they like it in the ass!

So call them out, get in their face, you are here to fucking make money and any other information isn't relevant until you know what they are paying.

Next, get on their shit about benefits! They purposefully keep that info locked up tight specifically so they don't HAVE to offer competitive benefits because they all collude to obscure it! Pry it from their cold dead hands! They want to dodge questions and lie? Aight, send the company a bill for the time their recruiters and interviewers wasted.

The only way to get these assholes to change is to MAKE them change.

You never get a single second of time back, so why the hell are you giving it to them for free?

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