
Ive been interviewing for a position for 4 months

I’m so frustrated because I’ve been interviewing for a job position for 4 months straight. They have told me in each interview (total of 4) that they’ll get back to me within the week about the next step but have been taking 2-3 weeks between each interview to even respond. I had the final interview a week ago and was told I’d be contacted within the week in regards to my status. Guess what?????? They never got back to me. Ugghhhhhhhh

I’m so frustrated because I’ve been interviewing for a job position for 4 months straight. They have told me in each interview (total of 4) that they’ll get back to me within the week about the next step but have been taking 2-3 weeks between each interview to even respond.

I had the final interview a week ago and was told I’d be contacted within the week in regards to my status. Guess what?????? They never got back to me.


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