
I’ve found major security risks at my work but no one listens to me, what should I do?

I work for a large distribution firm in the UK as a contracted security operative, meaning third-party and to not actually work for the company itself. I was an event steward for 3 years so we were taught to always look around for security risks, and now in my job, to which I’ve been working here for 7~ months, I’ve noticed multiple. Multiple points of entry in which unauthorised personnel can enter, CCTV blind spots, the CCTV recording system goes offline every now and then, our book-in/book-out system has never been updated and sometimes crashes with no instruction on how to prevent this, with admin usernames and passwords out in the open, I could go on forever. I’ve raised these issues with the senior officer but he just shrugged and said it’s not for you to worry about??? but it is? I’m here as agency and if something goes wrong…

I work for a large distribution firm in the UK as a contracted security operative, meaning third-party and to not actually work for the company itself.

I was an event steward for 3 years so we were taught to always look around for security risks, and now in my job, to which I’ve been working here for 7~ months, I’ve noticed multiple.

Multiple points of entry in which unauthorised personnel can enter, CCTV blind spots, the CCTV recording system goes offline every now and then, our book-in/book-out system has never been updated and sometimes crashes with no instruction on how to prevent this, with admin usernames and passwords out in the open, I could go on forever.

I’ve raised these issues with the senior officer but he just shrugged and said it’s not for you to worry about??? but it is? I’m here as agency and if something goes wrong where I’m stationed, it’s my ass that’s on the line and I really like this job too. 🙁

What should I do?

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