
Job doesn’t give a shit about me, only covering their asses. (Rant)

I posted before about how my promised promotion was taken away and given to the ones who do nothing but kiss ass. As a result, I cut my hours back to make a point to them. Sure enough, the store is starting to fall apart and they’re getting further and further behind as more people leave. I have two managers begging me to come back to full time because they know I’m super fast and proven to be the only one able to finish mandatory large tasks in a reasonable amount of time. However here’s the thing: a majority of the other management Is pulling the quiet firing on me. Won’t help me with issues, not scheduling me my max hours, won’t even acknowledge my existence and refuses me the tools needed to complete said large tasks. They are actually taking away everything needed specifically for the task they want…

I posted before about how my promised promotion was taken away and given to the ones who do nothing but kiss ass. As a result, I cut my hours back to make a point to them. Sure enough, the store is starting to fall apart and they’re getting further and further behind as more people leave.

I have two managers begging me to come back to full time because they know I’m super fast and proven to be the only one able to finish mandatory large tasks in a reasonable amount of time. However here’s the thing: a majority of the other management Is pulling the quiet firing on me. Won’t help me with issues, not scheduling me my max hours, won’t even acknowledge my existence and refuses me the tools needed to complete said large tasks. They are actually taking away everything needed specifically for the task they want me for, get mad at me for asking for them and the one who ends up giving it to me is one of the two who they gave the promotion to instead with the sentence, “you better give this right back to me. I don’t need you getting me in trouble.”

I personally think it’s because they know I won’t bow down to them and no longer afraid to call out their bs. They know I won’t back down to any excuse they pull out of their ass at that moment and they can’t write me up for not accepting the excuse either.

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