
Job offer dilemma: Seeking advice on if I should accept or use my leverage and ask my current job to match

I was approached and offered a job through LinkedIn to work for a new startup in the recruiting field. Everything seems incredibly attractive, with a significant increase in pay for me (currently earn below 15k for social media work). I'd have a 3 month probationary period before getting a 12 month contract with a lot of nice benefits. My dilemma is that I actually enjoy my current job and it's in an industry that I want to be in. However, the pay is just not enough for where I live and I'm the sole provider for my family (take care of 3 other people with one being my disabled grandma). Additionally, I planning to move in temporarily with my cousin for a while so I can escape my abusive home and start my life again (more context in my post history). The simple option is to just leave and take…

I was approached and offered a job through LinkedIn to work for a new startup in the recruiting field. Everything seems incredibly attractive, with a significant increase in pay for me (currently earn below 15k for social media work). I'd have a 3 month probationary period before getting a 12 month contract with a lot of nice benefits.

My dilemma is that I actually enjoy my current job and it's in an industry that I want to be in. However, the pay is just not enough for where I live and I'm the sole provider for my family (take care of 3 other people with one being my disabled grandma). Additionally, I planning to move in temporarily with my cousin for a while so I can escape my abusive home and start my life again (more context in my post history).

The simple option is to just leave and take the risk, but I feel 'trapped' in a way. I am able to work from home and this means I can be near my grandma when she and my mom need help, and I can also focus on my own self-development and studies in my free time. They've been very accommodating to me in a way which I appreciate and don't expect other employers to be.

My request for a pay rise and more responsibility was rejected a few months ago and I'm not sure how to ask again without giving an ultimatum and burning bridges. My employer is aware of what I've been dealing with at home and wants to check up on me, but I don't want to mix too much my personal life with business too much.

How can I approach this and see if they'll match or at least offer me something comparable. I have the other company on hold for a few days, but I'm not sure how long they'll wait for me. My last option is to hold out and keep applying till I find something that fits me and then leave.

Thank you so much for any advice and if you've read all of this

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