
job schedules me to open and close on the same day

hi there! new to anti work so this may be dumb but I’ve been at a new job since the end of April. It’s an okay job for retail except for my co workers being really catty and kinda awful. The thing is recently they’ve started scheduling me to open (11 but if u dont want pissed off customers pounding on the door u get there a bit earlier) and close at 7 pm on Sundays. I know it’s only an eight hour shift which I can do with no issue but the opening and closing processes all on the same day suck, I’m gonna change my availability but just wanted to put this out here. I know this is a simple problem with a simple solution but its been so ingrained in me that asking for accommodations to what you want your schedule to be is a bad thing…

hi there! new to anti work so this may be dumb but I’ve been at a new job since the end of April. It’s an okay job for retail except for my co workers being really catty and kinda awful. The thing is recently they’ve started scheduling me to open (11 but if u dont want pissed off customers pounding on the door u get there a bit earlier) and close at 7 pm on Sundays. I know it’s only an eight hour shift which I can do with no issue but the opening and closing processes all on the same day suck, I’m gonna change my availability but just wanted to put this out here. I know this is a simple problem with a simple solution but its been so ingrained in me that asking for accommodations to what you want your schedule to be is a bad thing so I just wanted to get it off my chest.

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