
Job searching is killing my spirit

I just needed to rant for a second and this is just the place. I moved last month to a new city and have enough savings to get me by for probably at least one more month. I’m a full time student and have been looking for a part time job so i can pay for rent, groceries, etc., but every place i’ve applied hasn’t worked out. I’ve been job hunting for about two months now and nothing. I started before i even moved and nothing. I applied to a barnes and noble and my “qualifications don’t match” which makes sense cause i have only ever waitressed but i love books and i knew if i had the chance to interview that they would love me. I interviewed at a restaurant and the guy said he wanted to hire me and is basically ghosting me about when i can actually…

I just needed to rant for a second and this is just the place. I moved last month to a new city and have enough savings to get me by for probably at least one more month. I’m a full time student and have been looking for a part time job so i can pay for rent, groceries, etc., but every place i’ve applied hasn’t worked out. I’ve been job hunting for about two months now and nothing. I started before i even moved and nothing. I applied to a barnes and noble and my “qualifications don’t match” which makes sense cause i have only ever waitressed but i love books and i knew if i had the chance to interview that they would love me. I interviewed at a restaurant and the guy said he wanted to hire me and is basically ghosting me about when i can actually start. he keeps saying he needs to “look at the schedule” and never texts me back. It’s so frustrating these days as no one is hiring but yet all the signs say they are. Sorry for the rant, just needed to get that off my chest.

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