
Job suddenly fired me. Not surprised but very angered

I was hired for this job immediately on the spot. I applied, they booked me for an interview a few days later and at the interview they had me sign the contract to begin right there. The way the manager talked to her other employees was off, very demanding and dismissive, which was the first red flag but I had been out of work for a month and I needed the money badly. I completed bullshitted the interview, as I had researched thinking I had applied for a different job only to find out I had applied for a completely different position. I was stuttering, repeating myself, had nothing with me to back myself up, and I thought I would walk out there in shame. Still, they hired me on the spot and had me sign the contract there and then. Yes, that was the second red flag and I…

I was hired for this job immediately on the spot. I applied, they booked me for an interview a few days later and at the interview they had me sign the contract to begin right there. The way the manager talked to her other employees was off, very demanding and dismissive, which was the first red flag but I had been out of work for a month and I needed the money badly. I completed bullshitted the interview, as I had researched thinking I had applied for a different job only to find out I had applied for a completely different position. I was stuttering, repeating myself, had nothing with me to back myself up, and I thought I would walk out there in shame. Still, they hired me on the spot and had me sign the contract there and then. Yes, that was the second red flag and I knew it at the time but I really needed the money. They try to get me to start working immediately but I wanted to prepare myself, so I started a week after the interview. On my first day, I had already heard someone had been fired. I was a little surprise, as most people at my old job had been working there for years. The people on my team had only been working there for a few months at most. On my third day, someone quit, and on the same day, someone else left. Red flags everywhere. Then, out of nowhere, the leader of my team had been fired. In ten days, four people had either left or been fired.

Then, of course, I was next. I have a completely normal day at work, and in the ten days I worked there, there was no indication that they hated my performance. I leave work and suddenly I receive a phone call telling me “Unfortunately this will be your last day working here as [we hired too many people and we don’t actually need you].” No warning. After ten days.

I really do hate jobs like that. I had signed a contract saying I would be doing six months probation period. Now you’re telling me that, all of sudden, I don’t need to work there anymore? As if I didn’t have plans to save with my money? During a cost of living crisis? On the spot, no warning, and all of a sudden I have to find a new job? It’s disgusting. I’m not surprised, just angered at the lack of consideration the job had. At my last job, regardless if you were fired or if you left, they would let you know at least a month ahead of time and pay you for the next month or two, giving you room to find a new job. It had its issues too, but this is genuinely one of the most angering experiences I’ve had with a work place.

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