
Job threatened to fire me for missing work due to car accident – now they won’t

For context: I'm 24, live in Illinois, US and work for a 3PL contractor in a warehouse. Here's the story. 12/19 I was rear-ended on my way to work. I'm positive I suffered from a mild concussion and whiplash. I didn't seek medical attention because from my research those are self-diagnonsible and there's not much a doctor will do for you anyway. My medical benefits aren't great and I already have debts that I can't pay from my insurance. I kept my direct supervisor and the HR rep on my shift updated multiple times a day through the first week. I ended up missing the entire week leading up to Christmas because of intense migraines and inability to move my neck (I operate heavy machinery for my job). Despite asking multiple times what kind of documentation I needed to remain in good standing and asking if I could use my…

For context: I'm 24, live in Illinois, US and work for a 3PL contractor in a warehouse.

Here's the story. 12/19 I was rear-ended on my way to work. I'm positive I suffered from a mild concussion and whiplash. I didn't seek medical attention because from my research those are self-diagnonsible and there's not much a doctor will do for you anyway. My medical benefits aren't great and I already have debts that I can't pay from my insurance.

I kept my direct supervisor and the HR rep on my shift updated multiple times a day through the first week. I ended up missing the entire week leading up to Christmas because of intense migraines and inability to move my neck (I operate heavy machinery for my job). Despite asking multiple times what kind of documentation I needed to remain in good standing and asking if I could use my time off to cover missed work, neither of them replied or answered my questions.

I returned to work on 12/26 for a half day but had a migraine and pinched something in my neck causing shooting pain down my arm so I went home early and called off the next day. I worked a full day on Wednesday (12/28) and ended up sitting down with my supervisor and HR rep because of my attendance and threatened termination. They told me I had 18 attendance points, but after reviewing the paperwork they provided, 9.5 of those points were illegitimate. The HR manager pulled me aside later and told me if I could get a doctor's note for the following day, I'd be in the clear.

The next day I received a voicemail from another member of the HR team telling me that because I missed more than 3 days I needed to file a short-term disability claim. I did so, and now I can't find a doctor to sign off on the paperwork because I didn't receive medical attention after the accident.

I emailed the entire HR team, plus my supervisor, that I couldn't get the paperwork filled out and that I know I'm eligible for termination and now they suddenly want to work with me and offer advice to get the claim approved. At this point I'm tired of jumping through hoops and I would rather withdraw my STD claim, get fired, and collect my unemployment from the comfort of my home.

is anyone familiar with this rock-and-a-hard-place situation and having both their pay and job security jerked around? Is there anything I can do to rid myself of this bureaucracy and just cut my ties, while still being able to collect unemployment while I find a more suitable job? I feel stuck, exhausted, and extremely frustrated at this point. Any insight is appreciated.

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