
Job wants fiance to work with injury- please advise?

To preface, we live in Tennessee. A few weeks ago my fiance was hurt at work. He works as a plumber, a drain machine grabbed his glove and wrapped his hand around the machine; this tore a ligament and broke some bones in his thumb. Currently he is in a cast (right hand) for 3 weeks. Hes on narcotics, which seems like it would be illegal to drive under in our state. Today workers comp called and stated that his doctor note doesnt say anything about not driving, so theyre expecting him back tomorrow. This is an hour drive, to a job we have no idea how hes going to work. The doctor wanted him to not use hos right hand for anything major, and jeep it clean and dry. Obviously, plumbing is a very dirty job with loads of heavy parts. Weve already left a voicemail with his doctor…

To preface, we live in Tennessee. A few weeks ago my fiance was hurt at work. He works as a plumber, a drain machine grabbed his glove and wrapped his hand around the machine; this tore a ligament and broke some bones in his thumb.
Currently he is in a cast (right hand) for 3 weeks. Hes on narcotics, which seems like it would be illegal to drive under in our state.
Today workers comp called and stated that his doctor note doesnt say anything about not driving, so theyre expecting him back tomorrow. This is an hour drive, to a job we have no idea how hes going to work. The doctor wanted him to not use hos right hand for anything major, and jeep it clean and dry. Obviously, plumbing is a very dirty job with loads of heavy parts. Weve already left a voicemail with his doctor but.. where do we go from here? It doesnt feel right.

Workers comp stated he would be driving a larger vehicle (think large white company van) delivering parts. These parts can be as large as a water heater, and as far as we know, he will be alone(we just messaged his boss to verify that, awaiting response) which means he will have to lift those parts, alone.

Please note this was an accident that could have been avoided, too. The drain machine at his work was supposed to have a safety guard on it to prevent this from happening, but his workplace took it off.

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