
Just Don’t Be Sick?

Mostly just a vent here. My last job requested I get a doctor's accommodation note due to several missed days due to disability/illness, so I did, and they fired me as a direct reply to my email with the note attached, quoting an inflated number of days “out of office” due to disability/illness (counting days I had worked from home with their approval and days I had covid). I really wish there was more tools readily available for “the little guy” – it really messed up my life and I'm still trying to recover.

Mostly just a vent here.

My last job requested I get a doctor's accommodation note due to several missed days due to disability/illness, so I did, and they fired me as a direct reply to my email with the note attached, quoting an inflated number of days “out of office” due to disability/illness (counting days I had worked from home with their approval and days I had covid).

I really wish there was more tools readily available for “the little guy” – it really messed up my life and I'm still trying to recover.

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