
Just found out I’m making under minimum wage

I just started a job a couple of weeks ago at a small coffee shop that just opened up in my town. I assumed I would make minimum wage which I was fine with (I’m 22 so it would be £10.18). I just got given my contract to sign (really late, might I add). It says I’m earning £9.50 per hour. I’m about to text my boss asking why my pay is so low but I’m not sure of the right way to word it? I know I should have clarified my wage before starting but I really didn’t think they’d be going under minimum wage because surely that’s illegal. It’s also a really small business and there’s only two employees which is why I’m worried about possibly getting on the wrong side of my boss.

I just started a job a couple of weeks ago at a small coffee shop that just opened up in my town. I assumed I would make minimum wage which I was fine with (I’m 22 so it would be £10.18).
I just got given my contract to sign (really late, might I add). It says I’m earning £9.50 per hour. I’m about to text my boss asking why my pay is so low but I’m not sure of the right way to word it?

I know I should have clarified my wage before starting but I really didn’t think they’d be going under minimum wage because surely that’s illegal.

It’s also a really small business and there’s only two employees which is why I’m worried about possibly getting on the wrong side of my boss.

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