
Just found out some of my coworkers had some commemoration for the work they do even though it’s me who does most of it

I am a cleaner at a supermarket and do over 70% of the night cleaning whereas the rest of the night staff come in every now and then. I do five nights a week, often will stay back to get extra work done (despite my tendency to be in the other end entirely, that being that I just come and go as I please), and even during my usual hours am pretty productive and proactive, going so far as to clean stuff that the morning team are supposed to do IN ADDITION to doing everything I need to for the night clean. So I do a lot of the work. I was talking to a coworker who is not a cleaner, and he mentioned that he saw ‘we had like a special lunch and photos taken of our cleaning team and I didn’t know who the two guys were but…

I am a cleaner at a supermarket and do over 70% of the night cleaning whereas the rest of the night staff come in every now and then. I do five nights a week, often will stay back to get extra work done (despite my tendency to be in the other end entirely, that being that I just come and go as I please), and even during my usual hours am pretty productive and proactive, going so far as to clean stuff that the morning team are supposed to do IN ADDITION to doing everything I need to for the night clean. So I do a lot of the work.

I was talking to a coworker who is not a cleaner, and he mentioned that he saw ‘we had like a special lunch and photos taken of our cleaning team and I didn’t know who the two guys were but I thought where was you!’. This coworker sees me every night pretty much and compliments my work a lot. I told him I didn’t even know there was anything going on for the cleaners. He thought it was odd since he sees me all the time, and a number of other coworkers not in the cleaning department have noticed I’m on shift A LOT and do a lot of extra stuff around the store frequently. They were so confused as to why I wasn’t one of the cleaning crew that were being thanked or celebrated.

I was so mad but at the same time unsurprised. I imagine all of the credit for my hard work went to my boss or whoever for ‘ensuring such great productivity amongst his team’ or some shit like that, when it’s actually just me, coming in every day, doing what I have to do, all on my own, without anyone telling me. Huh! It’s almost like if anyone should celebrated for their hard work, it should be me, the one doing all the hard work, but nah. Lol, I guess not.

Anyway, just wants to rant I guess

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