
Just given the news.

Was just told this morning I would be let go at the end of August. I should have known the writing was on the wall when our new owners couldn't keep our clients. What really pisses me off is they head hunted me out of a union job last year. Not sure why I do this anymore. No idea where I go from here. I'm 40, married, 2 kids. Can't just run off somewhere to find another job. I'm sick of working for companies that don't give a damn that your family could be homeless in a month. /Rant

Was just told this morning I would be let go at the end of August. I should have known the writing was on the wall when our new owners couldn't keep our clients. What really pisses me off is they head hunted me out of a union job last year. Not sure why I do this anymore. No idea where I go from here. I'm 40, married, 2 kids. Can't just run off somewhere to find another job. I'm sick of working for companies that don't give a damn that your family could be homeless in a month. /Rant

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