
Just got an interesting notice from my workplace regarding my position

Gonna be fairly vague but I work in the federal sector in the US and got an interesting thing possibly occurring. Long story short COVID screwed my lungs up and now have permanent asthma which my workplace exacerbates on a daily basis. I asked to be moved based on a reasonable accommodation as my current work position is causing almost all of my issues when having to use a respirator or enter a small confined space. I was told by leadership they might be forcing me to medically retire instead of helping me laterally transfer. I was very “wtf” in the situation. I’ve been in this position for nearly 7 years and only had issues since last year and my leadership has been nothing but brick walls constantly. Even more annoying is I’ve seen people with similar conditions in other crews get moved laterally no problem and I’m actually more…

Gonna be fairly vague but I work in the federal sector in the US and got an interesting thing possibly occurring. Long story short COVID screwed my lungs up and now have permanent asthma which my workplace exacerbates on a daily basis. I asked to be moved based on a reasonable accommodation as my current work position is causing almost all of my issues when having to use a respirator or enter a small confined space. I was told by leadership they might be forcing me to medically retire instead of helping me laterally transfer.

I was very “wtf” in the situation. I’ve been in this position for nearly 7 years and only had issues since last year and my leadership has been nothing but brick walls constantly. Even more annoying is I’ve seen people with similar conditions in other crews get moved laterally no problem and I’m actually more qualified than them to get moved.

I was told I would be put on federal medical retirement when I leave, ( which tbh isn’t that bad considering it’s reduced pay and I keep my health insurance). I told them if I leave they get to pick up all the extra safety programs that I do for them for free during my workday and I saw my upper managements eyes go wide considering he didn’t remember how much I actually did for them on the side.

I finish my degree for my bachelors in December and plan on reapplying to a better position at the facility afterwards and also use the time to get in shape and focus on mental health.

(For those wondering on the side federal protections exist where they can’t fire you for a health reason and in a federal position if you work for a specific amount of time before “retiring” they can offer you a retirement by health with pay and benefits before 62)

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