
Just got fired for using an accent

I literally just got fired an hour ago. The reasoning for me being fired is because I had an accent when I picked up the phone to talk to a coworker who was calling. And HR said I don’t have an accent so it was unprofessional of me. I do have a southern accent from time to time because I was born and raised some in Texas but I also moved around a lot growing up. I knew it was a coworker calling because we have caller ID and usually when I want to be cheerful or make others day I’ll have little accents I do. I guess this time was just what they needed to fire me. For some context I’ve been written up 3 times due to my attendance over a year and a half because I’ve been depressed and anxious with trying to exist. After my third…

I literally just got fired an hour ago. The reasoning for me being fired is because I had an accent when I picked up the phone to talk to a coworker who was calling. And HR said I don’t have an accent so it was unprofessional of me. I do have a southern accent from time to time because I was born and raised some in Texas but I also moved around a lot growing up. I knew it was a coworker calling because we have caller ID and usually when I want to be cheerful or make others day I’ll have little accents I do. I guess this time was just what they needed to fire me.

For some context I’ve been written up 3 times due to my attendance over a year and a half because I’ve been depressed and anxious with trying to exist. After my third write up I fell down some stairs and fractured the crap out of my leg and foot. I was gone for 4 months and in that time the manager quit and screwed everyone over and 3 other people quit too. A new hire only lasted 3 days before they quit. I’ve only been back to work for 2 weeks when I got called in today as was told I was being let go. I’ll be getting a final email with the information on why I was fired but I recorded the conversation today just in case because I’ve been treated like shit every time I would speak up about anything and asked for help. All they said was I was not being professional and that I was being fired because I “used an accent on the phone that I don’t have” hr said these words.

I guess it’s okay I can get unemployment that won’t help much but sometimes I think painting the wall with my brains sound exciting.

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