
Just got let go as a seasonal employee and my hours were cut… what do I do?

I’m a high school student who has been working at a retail store since October to save up to move out with my girlfriend when I graduate early in January. I had the philosophy initially that I would figure something out if they didn’t decide to generously keep me until January 20th, and now that time has come. I have until the 12th, and for the last two weeks I work half the time, so I’m making 2 weeks of pay less than I was hoping for. What can I do to recover? Doordash is genuinely painful, McDonalds offers jobs on the spot I hear but that sounds fucking awful having worked at Burger King before, would those be my best options? I figure r/antiwork wisdom would be helpful here (if this kind of post is against the rules feel free to remove mods).

I’m a high school student who has been working at a retail store since October to save up to move out with my girlfriend when I graduate early in January. I had the philosophy initially that I would figure something out if they didn’t decide to generously keep me until January 20th, and now that time has come. I have until the 12th, and for the last two weeks I work half the time, so I’m making 2 weeks of pay less than I was hoping for. What can I do to recover? Doordash is genuinely painful, McDonalds offers jobs on the spot I hear but that sounds fucking awful having worked at Burger King before, would those be my best options? I figure r/antiwork wisdom would be helpful here (if this kind of post is against the rules feel free to remove mods).

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