
Just got notification of RIF

Just got notification of Reduction in Force. To add insult to injury they want us to compete for the jobs left (they halved the number of employees). Seems like it’s meant to make us feel “grateful” we kept our jobs. Either they are disregarding what I (and my team) have already done (which seems insensitive to say the least) or they are just putting in the motions and have already made up their mind who they want, in which case why the dog and pony show? How common is this? Because this is seriously making me think of becoming a religious monk just to escape the b*******.

Just got notification of Reduction in Force. To add insult to injury they want us to compete for the jobs left (they halved the number of employees). Seems like it’s meant to make us feel “grateful” we kept our jobs. Either they are disregarding what I (and my team) have already done (which seems insensitive to say the least) or they are just putting in the motions and have already made up their mind who they want, in which case why the dog and pony show?

How common is this? Because this is seriously making me think of becoming a religious monk just to escape the b*******.

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