
Just had a WFH promotion taken away because I missed 1 (one) message while OUT WITH COVID.

Y'all. I'm livid. I was offered a WFH position at my company – supposed to start on the 23rd. I already signed the offer letter and eveything. ​ I got covid last week and was out until Tuesday. When I returned my current boss (C) said to reach out to my future boss (S) because she had been trying to get ahold of me. I was a little confused because I didn't have any texts, emails, direct slacks, voicemails – nothing. The only thing I have is 1000000 missed spam calls, I figured maybe she had tried to call me and I missed it because I don't have her number. So I reached out and she said she was concerned with my absence and inactivity. Bullshit but whatever, I apologized and asked her to send her number so I don't keep missing her. She did not. ​ Last night she…

Y'all. I'm livid. I was offered a WFH position at my company – supposed to start on the 23rd. I already signed the offer letter and eveything.

I got covid last week and was out until Tuesday. When I returned my current boss (C) said to reach out to my future boss (S) because she had been trying to get ahold of me. I was a little confused because I didn't have any texts, emails, direct slacks, voicemails – nothing. The only thing I have is 1000000 missed spam calls, I figured maybe she had tried to call me and I missed it because I don't have her number. So I reached out and she said she was concerned with my absence and inactivity. Bullshit but whatever, I apologized and asked her to send her number so I don't keep missing her. She did not.

Last night she called me and I didn't answer because I didn't know who it was, and she finally sent a text telling me it was her afterwards. I added her number — I DONT HAVE A SINGLE MISSED CALL FROM HER EXCEPT THE ONE FROM THAT NIGHT. I texted her back and told her I was available — she said she'd just call me in the morning during work hours tomorrow. That set off some red flags for me so I downloaded some recording software (1 party consent state).

Well she called today. And she fucking took it back. She said she was concerned with wfh and how difficult it had been to contact me. Keep in mind – literally the only thing I didn't respond to was a single slack with C & S in which C responded and TOLD HER I was out with covid. They said they'd reschedule when I was back. **THATS IT**

Don't worry, I get to keep my whole fucking dollar raise (don't get me started there – when they offered me the position they offered me $3/hr more, and called back 30 minutes later to take that back too.)

My coworkers are pretty sure its because they don't have anyone else lined up to take over my job and the other coworker in my position is about to be out on maternity leave. They're telling me to go over her head, but like.. what good is that going to do? Either I get the job and awkwardly work with someone whose head I went over, or I bitch at them and put a target on my back.

I'm fucking pissed and I'm trying hard not to just walk out of here. I took screenshots and I have the recording but like.. what the fuck am I supposed to do with them, lol I work in the fucking US and I'm a lowly serf. At Will says they can do whatever the fuck they want and I can't afford to quit without something lined up.

Anyway. Thanks.

*tldr; was out with covid for a week, they took away my wfh position I was set to start in a week because I didn't answer a message that was answered by someone else.

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