
Just Met My Breaking Point

I started this job a little less than half a year ago. Most days? I love it. I’m unbothered, I do my work, and I can manage college. However, today was a breaking point. My coworker (We’ll call them Coworker A) was originally supposed to train me for their position. They would advance to a “senior” title, taking over the position of the former senior in our field. That did not happen. Instead, I did all of the parts Coworker A hated and then took over ALL of the duties of the senior position because Coworker A “didn’t have time”. I have also been given meetings and other responsibilities that my manager and higher up did not want. No pay increases. No title changes. Fine. Whatever. However, no one understands that these newer developments and demands are running me thin. I have to have a data report out by 9AM,…

I started this job a little less than half a year ago. Most days? I love it. I’m unbothered, I do my work, and I can manage college. However, today was a breaking point.

My coworker (We’ll call them Coworker A) was originally supposed to train me for their position. They would advance to a “senior” title, taking over the position of the former senior in our field. That did not happen. Instead, I did all of the parts Coworker A hated and then took over ALL of the duties of the senior position because Coworker A “didn’t have time”. I have also been given meetings and other responsibilities that my manager and higher up did not want.

No pay increases. No title changes.

Fine. Whatever. However, no one understands that these newer developments and demands are running me thin. I have to have a data report out by 9AM, talk to vendors/customers, run a 10AM meeting on certain days, collect our shipments and ship them out by deadlines, and most days I don’t get a break or lunch. It grated me last week that Coworker A played like they wouldn’t be here (leaving us down more than 2 people for an entire week). Which later they commented, “I actually just wanted you to do more around her and take initiative,” because I was forced into their role AND all of the others I was learning to manage with staff being out.

Last week, too, they saw some open reports needing to be closed (I was pulling/counting/shipping inventory) and they messaged me, “you gonna do them or what?” We can both do them. We are both accessible admins. The reports are equal work for us.

I digress, today, we had to have a “talk” about certain issues/information being incorrect. The faux sympathy to the stress they are putting me under made me walk out of the room and take a walk. I needed to cool off. Because after all of the blame and being told “I’m rushing,” they added ANOTHER meeting and another three hours of data work in my day but added “we don’t want you working a lot of hours.” Then things are going to either get done half-assed, not done at all, or rushed. I can’t be two places at once. This wasn’t in my description, either, when I signed up.

I don’t complain. I do my work. Maybe that’s the fucking problem. My boss comes in once a week, coworker A sits at their computer and rarely contributes. I’m trying not to take it personal but I am about to request a raise and revision of the title I signed up for.

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