
Just need to vent about my company and their blatant care for seniority and CBA.

I currently work for the railroad. I am a union employee. I am taking some time coming up for birthday that I have had in the vacation calendar since the begging of the year and have informed my foreman and managers of this and reminded them several times. In my shop there are only 2 people above me on the seniority roster. Today, ON MY OFF DUTY TIME, I get a call from my manager. Usually means that something massive broke and it’s all hands on deck if available. He calls me to ask if I’d be willing to go OFF my vacation time for Saturday coverage so a lower seniority person can take the weekend off, and then go back on vacation for the rest of my scheduled time off. I sat there flabbergasted that he even called and was actually speechless. He asked if I was there, and…

I currently work for the railroad. I am a union employee. I am taking some time coming up for birthday that I have had in the vacation calendar since the begging of the year and have informed my foreman and managers of this and reminded them several times. In my shop there are only 2 people above me on the seniority roster. Today, ON MY OFF DUTY TIME, I get a call from my manager. Usually means that something massive broke and it’s all hands on deck if available. He calls me to ask if I’d be willing to go OFF my vacation time for Saturday coverage so a lower seniority person can take the weekend off, and then go back on vacation for the rest of my scheduled time off. I sat there flabbergasted that he even called and was actually speechless. He asked if I was there, and all I said was no, I wouldn’t do it. He then started to basically say The whole “be a team player” bit. I told him to look at the over time and trouble call stats. I cover a shit load of people here for time off, sick time, vacations, so other people can have holidays I don’t celebrate off, last minute calls, trouble calls. I cover a lot. I told him “don’t talk to me about being a team player, I don’t care, this is not my problem. I’m not coming off vacation.” And hung up the phone. Moments later, I get a call back with him furious saying “this conversation isn’t over until I say it is.” So I hung up again. Now what he must’ve forgot is that he called my work phone on off duty which by contract is an automatic 4 hrs of pay. He called again even more mad, saying he’s gonna write me up. And I told him I am gonna charge him 4 hrs, and file a grievance for not honoring seniority. He said he would t pay it and we would have a long chat when I came back. Filed the grievance today and Union rep said it’s be paid by Friday. What is with management in companies these days that think they can just strong arm the shit out of the people that make them money? I just don’t get it, and messing with a railroad union employee? It’s just insane. Thanks for coming to my TEDRrant.

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