
Just need to vent I guess?

Why is it so hard to even get in ENTRY level anywhere, especially when it’s in my field? I’m 25, graduating with my psych degree this year. Yeah, I know there’s not a lot of opportunity there on its own unless you do grad school or something. Over the holiday and talking with my dad for a while I have plans to try for law school in the next couple of years because I have major interest in civil rights and employment law, funnily enough. In the meantime, finding something stable, pays decent, and provides benefits is my goal. Ideally, that shouldn’t be too hard. I have a lot of supervisory experience, interpersonal skill, counseling traits. I’m an approachable and trustworthy individual, even to the point where people approach me before my manager to seek advice and guidance. So when I got a callback about a position with a behavioral/mental…

Why is it so hard to even get in ENTRY level anywhere, especially when it’s in my field?

I’m 25, graduating with my psych degree this year. Yeah, I know there’s not a lot of opportunity there on its own unless you do grad school or something. Over the holiday and talking with my dad for a while I have plans to try for law school in the next couple of years because I have major interest in civil rights and employment law, funnily enough. In the meantime, finding something stable, pays decent, and provides benefits is my goal. Ideally, that shouldn’t be too hard. I have a lot of supervisory experience, interpersonal skill, counseling traits. I’m an approachable and trustworthy individual, even to the point where people approach me before my manager to seek advice and guidance.

So when I got a callback about a position with a behavioral/mental health center, I was pretty stoked. I’d initially applied to a counseling position, but I didn’t have the experience they wanted. Instead, they offered me two other open positions. I interviewed for their Supported Employment Specialist, basically a job/success coach for clients. I’d be charged with aiding them finding work, helping with their resumes, doing mock interviews, and serving as a liaison between the client and their new employer just to keep everyone on the same page and even provide community education and resources. Because let’s be real, companies love to say they “value mental health/wellbeing” but then know little to nothing about it when it comes to actually addressing those issues along their workers.

I interviewed with two people, one supervisor and the other one being a director in one of their company departments.

I thought it went well, they enjoyed how comprehensive my answers to their questions were. I have a pretty unique history in being from the south, moving multiple states, never finding much stability anywhere. I was out of school for three years until I came back in 2021. I was proud of my accomplishments as a union organizer and the experiences I’ve had to this point in my life.

Yet now, over a week since I interviewed and feeling good about it, after being told they’d let me know “in a few days”, one follow up email and phone call (unanswered) later, I’m frustrated. What are people looking for? Why is it so hard to get anywhere? I’m so tired of my current workplace but I just Can’t get anywhere else, and can’t afford to quit.

I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir, but this shit does such a number on the soul who’s just trying to survive.

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