
Just quit my contractor position because of a severe nerve impingement in my hand preventing me from typing, and this is what my director sent me today.

So I just had to quit an independent contractor position because I had a carpal tunnel release that didn't take and now I literally cannot type for a sustained period of time. My job has a lot of typing and editing, but apparently my “boss” thinks that I need to suck it up and push through. Below is her response to my quitting. I've been contracting with them for 8 years. The fake ass concern and true lack of compassion from this person is upsetting. ————————————— “I am sorry to hear that you are leaving the team considering how long you have been with us. I am writing because it is important that everyone, old and young, adhere to the professional contract they signed. I will be sending out a message to everyone tomorrow. I am urging you to seriously consider what I am writing to you: You signed a…

So I just had to quit an independent contractor position because I had a carpal tunnel release that didn't take and now I literally cannot type for a sustained period of time. My job has a lot of typing and editing, but apparently my “boss” thinks that I need to suck it up and push through. Below is her response to my quitting. I've been contracting with them for 8 years. The fake ass concern and true lack of compassion from this person is upsetting.


“I am sorry to hear that you are leaving the team considering how long you have been with us. I am writing because it is important that everyone, old and young, adhere to the professional contract they signed. I will be sending out a message to everyone tomorrow.
I am urging you to seriously consider what I am writing to you:

  1. You signed a contract that clearly indicates there is a 30-day notice– when either party wants to terminate the contract. You want to end this contract. Following that part of the agreement is how a professional disengages from a Team where there are/were mutual benefits -you were good to the team, and the team has been good to you
  2. Leaving professionally and following the stipulations of a contract means that you are a Person of your Word- and you have solid work ethics
  3. When you leave in good standings, good things follow- you can get great references, the opportunity to be offered a top position if another Project should arise, etc.,
  4. Now, there are 53 Letters, I understand, that are currently in your queue. I heard that you had surgery in May and I surely do not want you to re-injury yourself or be in pain, but I know for a fact, that the Letters do not require a lot of typing. And although they do take time…it is cutting and pasting since this is a Template. You are young and creative, and I believe you can find a way to successfully carry out this duty without incident… and without excuses
  5. Please Do the Right Thing as the Universe always returns, several-fold, the way that one gives as this is inevitable!! 
  6. In conclusion, I expect an official 30-day notice to be emailed this week. You can negotiate with them about any variance that is needed as to the exact date that this should take effect. This is both the professional and ethical way to leave the team or any Team. This will also assure that you receive your last check, and it gives us enough time to close out accounts and documents that may be tied to your name. 

I am here for the rest of this week and all days next week with the exception of Monday (which is my Holistic Day).  If you would like to discuss any part of your contract or disengagement with me, I will gladly take the time to talk with you.

I appreciate you, and hope you are staying comfortable with this heatwave.”


Eh, I'm probably going to lose my last paycheck which is fine. Little do they know that I've recently become aware that I have most likely been miscategorized as an independent contractor and should actually be an employee. They tell me when and how to work, provided me with all the trainings for how to do my job, require mandatory meetings, require me to cover other contractors work, and have provided me with all the equipment I need to do my job (computer, software, database interface, email services). There are other things but that's the gist of it. Gonna file an S88 form with the IRS soon and go talk to my local Department of Labor office about my next steps. Will also need to find a lawyer, but I figured I'd see what the DOL said first. The kicker is there are like 30 people working as contractors for them that have also been miscategorized. This should be fun for their legal team.

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