
Just rage quit my job today

I was always the one being overworked and staying late. While my lazy coworker got a week long approved vacation, I got my half day off request rescinded at midnight last night because they randomly decided I needed to work all night on Friday and on a Saturday (that was unpaid overtime). Beyond that, management was getting super toxic and started yelling at the entire staff regularly due to financial problems at the company. I'm very happy now. I sent in my resignation this morning and moved on.

I was always the one being overworked and staying late. While my lazy coworker got a week long approved vacation, I got my half day off request rescinded at midnight last night because they randomly decided I needed to work all night on Friday and on a Saturday (that was unpaid overtime). Beyond that, management was getting super toxic and started yelling at the entire staff regularly due to financial problems at the company. I'm very happy now. I sent in my resignation this morning and moved on.

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