
Kept on call for free

Hi all I’m extra frustrated because I’ve been dealing with this situation for over 3 months and I’m just reaching a breaking point. My job has us on call every day we have a shift, and some days as just on call. I’m on call from 10:40 am-9:20 pm except for when I have shifts then I’m on call before them anyways. We aren’t compensated. They say we can do whatever we want with our time we just have to be within their minimum notification time of 1 hour. I live 20-35ish mins away depending on traffic. I’m basically trapped at home maybe being called in. Today I had to come in from 8:40am-12pm got sent home and then called back in at 2:55 and am going to be stuck until at least 9. I had plans but those are gone. Couldn’t pick my wife up for work. I only…

Hi all I’m extra frustrated because I’ve been dealing with this situation for over 3 months and I’m just reaching a breaking point. My job has us on call every day we have a shift, and some days as just on call. I’m on call from 10:40 am-9:20 pm except for when I have shifts then I’m on call before them anyways. We aren’t compensated. They say we can do whatever we want with our time we just have to be within their minimum notification time of 1 hour. I live 20-35ish mins away depending on traffic. I’m basically trapped at home maybe being called in. Today I had to come in from 8:40am-12pm got sent home and then called back in at 2:55 and am going to be stuck until at least 9. I had plans but those are gone. Couldn’t pick my wife up for work. I only make $12.50 an hour and the hours are unreliable, but I can’t get a second job because I’m “full time”. They say we can do whatever, but really we can’t. I have to just exist paralyzed at home all day in case I get called in. I’ve been looking for other jobs with no luck, and I’m just frustrated. I can’t believe I have my time held hostage for free.

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