
Laid off in ~2 months, expected to train my replacements, no severance. Recommendations on how to deal with the guilt/anxiety of doing less than the bare minimum?

Long story short, I work for a large tech company and our entire side of things was laid off in a Team's meeting with 0 notice. We were told we have 2 months maximum with the company, no severance, and that we need to remain professional and train our (extremely unqualified) replacements until then. I've been doing less than the bare minimum at work including laying in bed most of the day today. Shit is piling up, clients are losing their minds, millions of revenue is being lost, etc. I know I shouldn't care but for some reason, I'm still feeling an extreme amount of guilt and anxiety when I am away from the computer. But when I sit down and look at my 200+ inbox, my brain shut down and the anxiety just shifts that direction and I want to go back into bed. Does anyone have any recommendations…

Long story short, I work for a large tech company and our entire side of things was laid off in a Team's meeting with 0 notice. We were told we have 2 months maximum with the company, no severance, and that we need to remain professional and train our (extremely unqualified) replacements until then.

I've been doing less than the bare minimum at work including laying in bed most of the day today. Shit is piling up, clients are losing their minds, millions of revenue is being lost, etc.

I know I shouldn't care but for some reason, I'm still feeling an extreme amount of guilt and anxiety when I am away from the computer. But when I sit down and look at my 200+ inbox, my brain shut down and the anxiety just shifts that direction and I want to go back into bed.

Does anyone have any recommendations on dealing with the anxiety/guilt?

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