
Laid off mid-pregnancy and the job hunt is miserable

I was recently laid off at 20 weeks pregnant (not due to my pregnancy, not trying to sue anyone) and it’s been the worst month. My company gave me one month of severance – how kind – but screwed me over with no notice so I’ve been applying everywhere to get any type of benefits back. I got on cobra coverage until my due date so I’m covered but OOF is it expensive. I just hate how good insurance is tied to a job! There’s also the ticking clock of me getting bigger and trying to hide it from employers in interviews. Can you tell I’m in the US?

I was recently laid off at 20 weeks pregnant (not due to my pregnancy, not trying to sue anyone) and it’s been the worst month.

My company gave me one month of severance – how kind – but screwed me over with no notice so I’ve been applying everywhere to get any type of benefits back. I got on cobra coverage until my due date so I’m covered but OOF is it expensive. I just hate how good insurance is tied to a job! There’s also the ticking clock of me getting bigger and trying to hide it from employers in interviews. Can you tell I’m in the US?

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