
Lazy colleague won’t get fired. Everyone is saying he’s useless, but everyone keeps treating him nicely.

I work at an IT company and I'm very happy with my job. Pretty good pay, great colleagues, great boss, etc. About 6 months ago my boss hired someone who on paper was the perfect person to join our company: Flexible, very knowledgeable, willing to learn, sociable, etc. From the first week on when he joined (we have the same function within the company) he asked me if our function was the thing we always had to do. Confused, I said it was, because that was what our function was called and he immediately started sighing and complaining, saying that what he really wanted was a management job and that this isn't what he signed up for. Mind you, the job description never detailed any management functions. So ever since then he's not been the most hard worker. Here's a list of things he doesn't do or does: – When…

I work at an IT company and I'm very happy with my job. Pretty good pay, great colleagues, great boss, etc.

About 6 months ago my boss hired someone who on paper was the perfect person to join our company: Flexible, very knowledgeable, willing to learn, sociable, etc.

From the first week on when he joined (we have the same function within the company) he asked me if our function was the thing we always had to do. Confused, I said it was, because that was what our function was called and he immediately started sighing and complaining, saying that what he really wanted was a management job and that this isn't what he signed up for. Mind you, the job description never detailed any management functions.

So ever since then he's not been the most hard worker. Here's a list of things he doesn't do or does:
– When he gets bored, he goes for a smoke. Stays away for 10-20m at a time.
– When he's still bored after smoking, he will play games on his phone or watch videos.
– Has a side hustle he's openly working on during work hours
– Won't bother with IT issues he deems too complicated
– When we tell him he should do a specific ticket because we already have too much to do, he will make an excuse saying he doesn't know x-software or y-hardware well enough and that he can't help the customer anyway. There's this one time he left a user without a keyboard and a mouse because he was too lazy to go get it from storage.
– Will boast to our customers that he's so knowledgeable about IT stuff and that they can contact him whenever they need to, but ends up shuffling most of the calls or tickets to us.
– Complain that I have a company car and he doesn't. Says that it's not fair seeing we have the same function (I've worked for this company for almost 10 years now)
– Openly complains about everything and everyone

So now you're probably wondering, Burger, why hasn't this guy been fired yet?

My boss has said he's going to fire him. He said that 4 months ago, 2 months after we hired him. His reasons for not firing him is because we are already understaffed and we first need to hire someone new to replace him, because despite him being lazy he still does take some of the workload off of us. He has talked to him and told him he needs to do more, but judging from this guy's attitude it seems like he understands that my boss won't just fire him.

Meanwhile, while EVERYONE in the company knows that he's pretty much dead weight, everyone keeps talking to him like they're good colleagues. They crack jokes, they share funny shit with him and heck they even go out to drink with him.

To clarify, all of this rage I'm having, I'm not showing. I'm one of the people that acts neutral towards him and will have small talks with him. As far as he knows I don't dislike him, but I'm keeping our work relationship professional.

It's just so mind-boggling frustrating that he's getting away with being so collegial with the company while he knows he's not going to get fired anytime soon and continues to just do fuck all at work.

I'm not really sure what to do. He does half the work he's supposed to do so me and my colleagues are picking up his slack. The company knows and they're actively looking for someone, but they said they haven't found anyone yet and no one has applied yet.

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