
Leave or Stay Until They Fire Me?

I started a new job earlier this year. The pay is well, it is the most that I ever made and it will be hard to get one similar without a CPA license. Coworkers are old school, doesn’t know standard practices, make a lot of mistakes, and get defensive when you explain to them. Although they are 50s and 60s, but I have a higher rank than them. Which is fine, I expected that… however, the worst thing is management complains about the staff’s performance all the time, but when I come up with proposals and methods to help increase performance the proposals either get shot down or overruled by management. If I am being proactive, management’s tone is discouraging, they would say “this is not what I want”. Well, how was it working for YOU?! If you can’t make it better, then MOVE! let me do my job. Isn’t…

I started a new job earlier this year. The pay is well, it is the most that I ever made and it will be hard to get one similar without a CPA license. Coworkers are old school, doesn’t know standard practices, make a lot of mistakes, and get defensive when you explain to them. Although they are 50s and 60s, but I have a higher rank than them.

Which is fine, I expected that… however, the worst thing is management complains about the staff’s performance all the time, but when I come up with proposals and methods to help increase performance the proposals either get shot down or overruled by management.

If I am being proactive, management’s tone is discouraging, they would say “this is not what I want”. Well, how was it working for YOU?! If you can’t make it better, then MOVE! let me do my job. Isn’t that why you hired me? If I don’t give a shit and keep my distance, they act like I don’t do any work.

I am fed up with management and they know it. They have been giving me the attitude, they play favorites. I am sure they are Contemplating if they should fire me… the only thing that stops them is my experience. I know my shit!

This is a toxic workplace. The thing is I am trying my best to stay humbled and make as much as I can, so I can get my license and leave but everyday I get beaten up emotional by this damn job…. It doesn’t help when the commute is 2 hours round trip (4/5 days in office)


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