
Leaving job due to late pay, bullying and broken promises. Boss wants to play hardball with contract.

I resigned from my job yesterday at a poorly run business, the reasons for me leaving are an inconsistent pay schedule, broken promises (I.e. benefits, time off etc.) and bullying. I have offered to finish out the month so as to not put them in a bad position, however the owner (my boss) is bringing up my contract (ends in September) and how I’ll be voiding it and will owe him thousands of dollars. As far as I’ve heard however the contract was voided on their part by violating my rights as an employee. Should I just leave now or should I finish out the month hoping that they don’t come after me for the money.

I resigned from my job yesterday at a poorly run business, the reasons for me leaving are an inconsistent pay schedule, broken promises (I.e. benefits, time off etc.) and bullying. I have offered to finish out the month so as to not put them in a bad position, however the owner (my boss) is bringing up my contract (ends in September) and how I’ll be voiding it and will owe him thousands of dollars.

As far as I’ve heard however the contract was voided on their part by violating my rights as an employee.

Should I just leave now or should I finish out the month hoping that they don’t come after me for the money.

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