So I quit my job via voicemail. I work at a corrupt machine like facility. They keep calling me telling me I need to quit in writing so that they can remove me from the internal system. I assume they also need my resignation in writing so that they don’t give me unemployment. I got another job now, however, and since I haven’t quit in writing I still have my previous work email. Im thinking of cc-Ing all my former co workers and making my letter of resignation public. I want to tell them that I’m quitting because the pay is shit and the managers are tyrants.
I want to urge the workers that they deserve better. My new job is SO EASY and it’s the exact same pay I was getting at my precious job. My last job has a union and we recently striked for more pay and better conditions but the facility bought votes to petition it and used anti-union propaganda to force a recall.
My email won’t do much, I know. But I just wanna get a final dig in their and humor myself and my coworkers. I want to say “if you’ve been looking for a sign to quit your job. This is it. I’m outta here.”
Would I get in any legal trouble?