
Let go “without cause”

Title says it. Today I was told my contract was not being renewed and I was being let go “without cause”. I work in non-profit in special education. I had a difficult parent all year and I worked so hard to ensure this child’s needs were met and an appropriate program was put in place for them. I documented everything. Recently, the parent became so overbearing that a team member reached out (crying) and asked to be removed from the child’s program team. I contacted HR and we removed her and then discussed ending this child’s program early. I followed everything laid out that HR and the director asked of me. The parent was not happy. The parent left a threatening voicemail on my personal phone (there’s no budget for company phones). I followed up w HR and the director the next day and let them know I no longer…

Title says it.

Today I was told my contract was not being renewed and I was being let go “without cause”.

I work in non-profit in special education. I had a difficult parent all year and I worked so hard to ensure this child’s needs were met and an appropriate program was put in place for them. I documented everything.

Recently, the parent became so overbearing that a team member reached out (crying) and asked to be removed from the child’s program team. I contacted HR and we removed her and then discussed ending this child’s program early.

I followed everything laid out that HR and the director asked of me. The parent was not happy. The parent left a threatening voicemail on my personal phone (there’s no budget for company phones). I followed up w HR and the director the next day and let them know I no longer felt safe or comfortable dealing with this parent. I forwarded the voicemail and let them know I’d be blocking the parent and requested to be taken off the child’s team. I was taken off the team. I was asked to provide all details of this child program and all parent communication. I did. This parent either threatened to go to the public education funder or had already done so. I was told “This is serious.”

I was told I’d have a follow up meeting to debrief things but was told by the director “nothing to worry about.” and “we had your back when we spoke to this parent.”

And then today… a meeting pops up in my calendar. Not even an in-person meeting, online. Cowards

So this is where I’m at. Let go “without cause” bc they don’t have one iota of written documentation to prove just cause. They let a parent threaten and try to bully me and they let this parent bully them. I’m the casualty.

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