
Let’s talk PTO

Okay, so I know this community is very pro using their PTO anytime they want. That's great and all, but the flip side of that is where I'm a little jammed up. The flip side of that is that, more often than not, the remaining staff gets stuck with handling the work of the guy out using their PTO. It creates a system where the people who show up to work get rewarded with… more work. So, as an antiworker, I set firm boundaries on this. I let all my coworkers know that I am not going to try to stay on top of their work other than to do the basic proponents I need to keep my own job functioning. We have so many old timers at my job and they accrue PTO so fast that they can basically take every Friday and Monday off for like 6 months…

Okay, so I know this community is very pro using their PTO anytime they want. That's great and all, but the flip side of that is where I'm a little jammed up.

The flip side of that is that, more often than not, the remaining staff gets stuck with handling the work of the guy out using their PTO. It creates a system where the people who show up to work get rewarded with… more work.

So, as an antiworker, I set firm boundaries on this. I let all my coworkers know that I am not going to try to stay on top of their work other than to do the basic proponents I need to keep my own job functioning. We have so many old timers at my job and they accrue PTO so fast that they can basically take every Friday and Monday off for like 6 months and barely put a dent in their PTO. Some people have started using their sick time to only work half days every day, and they basically earn that PTO back every month anyway so it never actually gets used up.

On the one hand, I want to be supportive of anyone who wants to use their PTO. On the other hand? I'm getting really sick and tired of working with a team who expects me to handle their job for them while they're out.

So I've stopped keeping them on track. They want to have 3 day weekends or only work half days because it's their earned PTO and they can use it whenever they want, then rock on. But they also still have a job to do and shouldn't expect their team to carry their workload for them IMO. As an antiworker, I'm not doing a significant percentage someone else's work for them without additional compensation. I'm not being compensated for that work, so I think it's fair for them to just be hit with an avalanche of work when they return. PTO isn't a free pass to get out of doing your job IMO. It just means you get paid for your day off. At least, that's my take as an antiworker who is dealing with a lot of animosity from my coworkers for not carrying their load of the work for them. Thoughts?

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