
Lied about currently being employed during an interview

Currently scared about messing up a potential job opportunity. I was employed with company A when I applied for a job with company B. On the application, I checked off, “currently employed” -which was true at the time. I also checked off “no” I do not want them contacting current employer. Since the filling out the application, I was terminated from the job A (3 day difference) I just had my interview with job B and they were asking about my current employer…. I never corrected them. In fact, I said I was still employed there. It’s been 6 days since I was let go from job A. Should I call and tell HR or the mangers I am no longer with company A and admit embarrassment or should I just wait and hope it never gets brought up again? I guess I’m hoping that since I said I was…

Currently scared about messing up a potential job opportunity.

I was employed with company A when I applied for a job with company B.

On the application, I checked off, “currently employed” -which was true at the time. I also checked off “no” I do not want them contacting current employer.

Since the filling out the application, I was terminated from the job A (3 day difference)

I just had my interview with job B and they were asking about my current employer…. I never corrected them. In fact, I said I was still employed there. It’s been 6 days since I was let go from job A.

Should I call and tell HR or the mangers I am no longer with company A and admit embarrassment or should I just wait and hope it never gets brought up again?
I guess I’m hoping that since I said I was still employed HR won’t contact job A at all. But then I’m scared about if they do a background check and get the dates of employment from Job A and realize I lied in the interview.

I have no been given an official offer but the managers really seemed to like me, I think I will really like working there, and I feel the interview went really good.

Advice or help please.

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