
LinkedIn ass-kissing

A previous employer of mine let go over 500 people a couple of weeks ago. Most of my connections are from that job, and the number of posts I have seen essentially thanking that company for having employed them is disgusting. Imagine being fired with no warning, not being able to say goodbye to your clients, coworkers or boss and then having to go online and display a good attitude by being the bigger person and saying thank you for everything? The company then had the nerve to make a post about how much they do for their employees. Fuck off, Noom.

A previous employer of mine let go over 500 people a couple of weeks ago. Most of my connections are from that job, and the number of posts I have seen essentially thanking that company for having employed them is disgusting. Imagine being fired with no warning, not being able to say goodbye to your clients, coworkers or boss and then having to go online and display a good attitude by being the bigger person and saying thank you for everything? The company then had the nerve to make a post about how much they do for their employees. Fuck off, Noom.

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