
livable wages

I had a 6 month review today where my super had only nice things to say about my performance, attitude, and culture fit. When they asked what I would like for them to work towards, I pointed to a livable wage. HR immediately suggested this type of salary was only for managers. I am very overqualified for my role and have been progressing up the hierarchy but at some point I need them to put money where their praise is. This figure would only cover bare living expenses in the area. Did I overstep, or is this theme indicative that I need to keep applying elsewhere?

I had a 6 month review today where my super had only nice things to say about my performance, attitude, and culture fit. When they asked what I would like for them to work towards, I pointed to a livable wage.

HR immediately suggested this type of salary was only for managers. I am very overqualified for my role and have been progressing up the hierarchy but at some point I need them to put money where their praise is. This figure would only cover bare living expenses in the area.

Did I overstep, or is this theme indicative that I need to keep applying elsewhere?

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