
Long rant about my new job

So I began a new job two months ago with a large, respected company. My particular office is a small satellite servicing our state/area. It is a small group of people (10 plus the manager). The benefits are good, perks are OK, pay is average..but its ok. I was really excited to start and it was inline with what I was doing before, I have a lot more direct experience than some of the other employees. First day, I received my laptop, bag and the items for the desk. Set everything up. Meet the manager, he guided with me with the log in, time/benefits site etc. I then spend the next day and half isolated watching videos on the laptop….that have nothing to do with my department….weird. the next day after lunch I am then introduced and given a tour. On the third day I am paired off with someone…

So I began a new job two months ago with a large, respected company. My particular office is a small satellite servicing our state/area. It is a small group of people (10 plus the manager).

The benefits are good, perks are OK, pay is average..but its ok. I was really excited to start and it was inline with what I was doing before, I have a lot more direct experience than some of the other employees.

First day, I received my laptop, bag and the items for the desk. Set everything up. Meet the manager, he guided with me with the log in, time/benefits site etc. I then spend the next day and half isolated watching videos on the laptop….that have nothing to do with my department….weird. the next day after lunch I am then introduced and given a tour. On the third day I am paired off with someone to learn one aspect of the job

Their plan was to train me on each of the areas for about 3 weeks each or so. Everyone was rather nice and welcoming in my first 3 weeks….

Part 1 (first 4 weeks) showed a little bit from an employee what to do….then thrown to the wolves…proceeded to get slightly annoyed when I asked a question. No training materials or direction

Part 2 (3 weeks) different area with different people. They were nice…but did everything and didn't really say what or how. When I was trying to find something…they'd immediately either grab it or tell me where instead of letting me find it. Again no training or direction

Part 3 (to current) different area with a guy that has been there for years. Odd dude. When I first met him he was nice…but 90%of the time it's either talking about himself, his kids or all the women he's dating. I wasn't rude but didn't pay it any mind…as he was slightly vulgar and graphic.

So during his rotation..he would alternate between monotonously talking about some of the work and his dating….then would disappear. 2nd day of him training me…i get a text from the manager to come to the office….I go in and immediately he started with the do you like working here? And started listing off complaints about me….slow, no willingness to learn, not self starting, not friendly, lazy, no sense of urgency…then complaining about how I wasn't doing what was asked…I tried to explain what I was doing…but it didn't matter. I received a write up and a PIP (improvement plan) …not even two months in!

I walk out of the office….and realized the guy training me told on me and just made up some high school bs…I know i did nothing wrong…IM STILL IN TRAINING, I HAVE ZERO INSTRUCTIONS OR DOCUMENTATION, HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME OR EVEN HOW THE FLOW WORKS. So defeated…I sat at my desk…finished the day and went back the next day. The guy training me handed me a couple work order papers and disappeared for hours. I had to fulfill all these orders, get them filled, prepped, shipped and set for courier hand off….by myself without help. I was able to do it..without actually being shown

Next day…I get called in office again..this time with manager and guy training me…apparently there was a complaint of a missing item in one of the boxes (not in the build order…it apparently was an optional part that was requested…that was told to the trainer and not me). .I got yelled at for quite a bit for messing up.

Since then no one talks to me…except the guy who is training me…but telling me graphicly about his sex life instead of training me.

I would go to HR….but its a small tight knit group, and I am new i think they wouldnt do anything anyway,

In all my years I have yet to see this big of a dumpster fire

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