
Looking for advice on unpaid commission

I worked remotely for a Travel Agency and in January and February I sold a few cruises – the pay was never direct deposited and when I reached out I was told there are some delays that happen with the cruise lines. Jump to April I decide to officially leave the agency, the leads are absolutely terrible and half of them weren’t even real phone numbers. I was called by an employee and they left a voicemail and an email stating that my commission checks would be sent out via mail and to make sure my address was correct – and it was. A few weeks went by and I never received the check so I reached out the same employee I had speaking to. It took her two weeks to reply and she said she would ask accounting. I called once or twice a week and sent an email…

I worked remotely for a Travel Agency and in January and February I sold a few cruises – the pay was never direct deposited and when I reached out I was told there are some delays that happen with the cruise lines. Jump to April I decide to officially leave the agency, the leads are absolutely terrible and half of them weren’t even real phone numbers. I was called by an employee and they left a voicemail and an email stating that my commission checks would be sent out via mail and to make sure my address was correct – and it was. A few weeks went by and I never received the check so I reached out the same employee I had speaking to. It took her two weeks to reply and she said she would ask accounting. I called once or twice a week and sent an email out once a week asking for an update for well over a month and I was ignored every single time. One day I was fed up and and I posted on the Facebook page I was a part of asking if anyone had a phone number for anyone higher up in the company because I was looking for help with my situation. I check the post an hour later and saw that they blocked me from the page .. I lost it and called the woman I had been in contact with and basically said in a nice as possible way this is crazy that I’ve been begging for money that I’ve worked for and been ignored and blocked for almost 2 months now and I’m ready to contact the BBB. Not even 20 minutes later I get an email saying she’s going to copy in accounting and see what the “lovely ladies” can do. This was the third time she included them and they’ve ignored me just as long so I said just that. I also separately emailed the ladies in accounting asking for a resolution. I’ve never been unkind, never raised my voice or anything and I’m being treated so poorly. A former coworker asked one of the ladies in accounting privately what was going on and she completely lied and told my coworker I was paid. I’m truly at a loss of what to do. Do I just contact the BBB and hope creating a claim can get me the money I earned? Sorry this was so long – thank you for reading!!!

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