
Looking for new job post grad & feeling so stuck/ hopeless

23 with a master’s & certificate in marketing and an internship with a really great agency. Moved from FL where I had my first “real” job and was making good money to do fairly easy work. Now near Charlotte NC and been here over 3 months with no new job in sight. I’ve been applying like crazy and am sickened at these “entry level jobs” that require years of experience for like 15 an hour or 30-35k annually. The worst part is I’ve only heard back from a handful of companies I’ve applied to (all being sorry not moving forward w your app BS) and the rest…. Just radio silence. Like wtaf. I’d rather hear a no than just be sitting with my finger up my butt wondering if they ever even looked at my application. I had a breakdown today. I can’t afford another month of having no income.…

23 with a master’s & certificate in marketing and an internship with a really great agency. Moved from FL where I had my first “real” job and was making good money to do fairly easy work. Now near Charlotte NC and been here over 3 months with no new job in sight. I’ve been applying like crazy and am sickened at these “entry level jobs” that require years of experience for like 15 an hour or 30-35k annually. The worst part is I’ve only heard back from a handful of companies I’ve applied to (all being sorry not moving forward w your app BS) and the rest…. Just radio silence. Like wtaf. I’d rather hear a no than just be sitting with my finger up my butt wondering if they ever even looked at my application. I had a breakdown today. I can’t afford another month of having no income. I’m a hard worker with various experiences and skills and yet it’s not good enough. I thought having a masters might help my search, but instead I’m stuck with grad school loans and no way to pay them off. I truly don’t know what to do. I read this sub and am glad I’m not alone in these crappy times/ job market, but it sucks that it feels like there’s nothing to do except lower our standards, take something we don’t really want that barely pays and just try to scrape by. I feel so stuck and I’m starting to lose motivation. Any advice? Or some words of encouragement to keep me going? I feel like I’m going crazy.

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